Mrs. Zilpa Michael Kisonzela (Board Chairperson)
She is currently a Regional Community Development Officer to the Kigoma Regional Government Office- majoring in Women and Children Development aspects. Zilpa has over 22 years working on women empowerment and children’s rights interventions. Largely, her outstanding experiences has been in Gender & HIV/AIDs related projects and serving as board member to regional water supply and sanitation. Zilpa is very passionate on empowering rural women to help them drive their own life and determine future”.
Ms. Mary Mavanza (Board Assistant Chairperson)
Mary Mavanza received her Master of Science in Development Policy Process and Practice at Reading University, United Kingdom. Ms. Mary has over 10 years of experience working with the Jane Goodall Institute and leading its TACARE project. Having worked with women in support of Health and Economic Empowerment, Mary believes that “when women are healthy and have the time and opportunity to earn and control income, they are more likely to focus their income on their families’ nutrition, health and education.
Mr. Shadrach Meshach (Board Secretary)
He earned his Bachelor Degree in Sociology at St. Augustine University of Tanzania. Shadrach’s previous work experiences has been Coordinating Jane Goodall’s Roots & shoots Refugee Programs in Lugufu Refugee Camps and Child Protection Officer at International Rescue Committee, Kasulu Kigoma.
Dr. Shadrack Kamenya ( Board Member )
He is currently a Director of Conservation Sciences for the Jane Goodall Institute Tanzania (working with GGE, MUE, GMU, REDD and GSRC programs). Dr. Kamenya earned his PhD (in Anthropology) at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1997. He has over 24 years of work experience heading and working with USAID and UNDP collaboratively or funded programs, lecturing at University of Colorado at Boulder, (Anthropology Dept.). USA and other community development projects.
Mrs. Rachel Joseph (Board Member)
She has been an experienced teacher for over 20 years and is currently the Ward Education Coordinator in Uvinza, Tanzania. Rachel has earned her Diploma in Education in 1999 from Monduli Teachers College. Her extensive on-the-ground work with rural communities, predominantly in the education sector, puts Rachel in a unique position to be well respected by teachers and councilors at the District Council in Uvinza.